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Support compassionate, practical and culturally compatible philanthropy
Support compassionate, practical and culturally compatible philanthropy

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Food for the Balinese people during the pandemic

Dear Marc Gold
100 friends

We start sharing food products for some families who lost their job because of this pandemic. The package consists of rice, eggs, cooking oil, tea bags and noodles.

These are Ibu Kadek and Ni Ketut Srimpi, their sons worked at the hotel before.
But since this pandemic they lost their jobs. To survive during this situation they work a little bit in construction and farming some vegetables when there is no other work.

I hope this package can help them to survive during this pandemic situation.

Thank you again for your great help sharing during this difficult situation.

Best regards
Wayan Widnyana


Books, pens and soccer ball in Ubud, Bali - Indonesia

 Dear Marc Gold

100 Friends

Today we gave soccer balls, books and pens to the children around my village.

They started school back in the class since this monday.
They are very excited after more than a year doing study via online.
The parents also got confused how to teach them home when they didn't have an internet connection.
Now the children like get the fresh air again.

In the afternoon around 4pm they play soccer at the field.
Normally they use an inferior plastic ball, but today I bought a leather soccer ball for them.
They are very excited and they said, it not easy to play soccer now.
Of course because this is the first time for them play using leather ball.

Thank you. It become beautiful experience for them.

Best regards
Wayan Widnyana.

Help for Pig farmer family in Ubud, Bali

 Dear Marc Gold

 100 friends

This is Made Dedo and his father.
He lives in the village called Mambal, located on the west of Ubud on Bali, Indonesia

He was a pig farmer with his family.
Unfortunatly a view months ago the pig farm in Bali got attacked by a virus.
Some of the pigs died suddenly which no one understand the reason.
Most of farmer decided to sell their pigs even not ready yet to avoid the virus.
The pig became very cheap at that time.

Now Made would like to restart farming the pigs again.
He has to begin to buy a baby pig even now the cost of baby pig bit up since no much pig on the market.

Here I give Made help cash for 300.000 ($21 USD) Rupiah to buy baby pig.

Monday, September 20, 2021

Wayan Widnyana. helping needy Balinese during Covid September 19, 2021

September 19, 2021

Ubud, Bali Indonesia 

Dear Marc Gold

 100 friends

Today I met with Made Kicen and ibu Ketut Ganti. Both of them have the same health problem, they are diabetic and they have high blood pressure. They have to control it by going to hospital every month and they can not get the covid vaccination because of these health problems.

 Made Kicen is a farmer and during the normal time he does gardening too at some villa in Ubud, especially to take the coconut from the trees so it is safe for the people at the villa. But now he is so weak and can not do it anymore.

Ibu Ketut Ganti normaly sells fried tofu at tradisional market every morning, but with this situation her family decided to ask her to stay home avoid crowd and interaction since she doesn't get vaccination too.

I visited them and give them cash 300.000 Rupiah ($21 USD) each of them.
Hope this could help them to buy medecine and vitamin, since their family doesn't have income too.

Best regards from Bali
Thanks for being kind to help other.

Wayan Widnyana.